Winding Down

I can’t believe that we are down to the final few weeks of school. Our final field trip to Kasitsna Bay was unbelievable. If your child went, I’m sure you have heard about it. I have taken students across Kachemak Bay for 13 years and have only seen 1 octopus. On our trip we were able to see 3! The extreme low tide exposed so many wonders; our class documented over 90 different invertebrate species. I do want to thank our parent chaperones (without their support and help we couldn’t have done it!): Mrs. Sturman, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. North, Mr. Mickelson, and Mr. Warren. This was certainly a trip I won’t forget.

2013 Kasitsna Bay 053

2013 Kasitsna Bay 028

2013 Kasitsna Bay 023

2013 Kasitsna Bay 049


Students have made Digital Photo Stories of their trip. Most should be finished up this next week, and will post the work on their school blog. Take a look at them, they are very good.

I want to thank all of you for sharing your children with me this school year. We have had our ups and downs, but our 6th graders set the tone at the beginning of the year for a positive, hard-working class climate. It has been a great year, and I am blessed to grow and learn with your children. Have a great summer!

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