What a Great Trip!

Leave No Trace 2013 068Leave No Trace 2013 071Leave No Trace 2013 112

Wow, we had an awesome field trip! Once again we couldn’t do it without you (our parents)! Thanks for all the help with food and packing your child’s gear. A special thanks to those who drove and chaperoned; Mrs. Sturman, Mrs. Fann, Mrs. Mickelson, Mr. Mickelson, Mr. Hansen, and Mr. Scott. I had one parent say that the KNWR portion with Mrs. Ostrowski at the refuge was the best field trip she had been on; that she learned so much.

Once we got out to Swanson River, we continued learning about wetlands. I forgot my small propane bottles, but we made due with the two large burners. Our adults once again helped us make it through bugs, stuck frisbees, hungry tummies, and wet shoes; thanks so much. Not only was the trip a great educational opportunity, but also a time for students to make bonds with one another, and build our class community. We are looking forward to our next trip.



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