Almost Christmas Already?

Wow, I can’t believe how quickly this year is going! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. I asked students to reflect quickly on a sticky note about what they were thankful for; advising them video games were not a viable choice. It is great to see, they are really beginning to understand what is important in life. The notes are up in the hall outside our classroom along with their animal expositoty essays. The essays are very good and students are improving their writing as the year progresses.

We have a busy December; a big field trip, caroling, Secret Santa, an assembly to plan, and a holiday party. Take a look at our December Calendar on this website for details. You can also catch up on news by looking at our class newsletters also on this website. We are going to begin a quick canned food drive to which will end right before the holidays. We will kick it off at our assembly. If I do not see you, have a very wonderful Christmas and holiday break.

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