Break Up???

I can’t believe this weather! Students are coming in from recess very wet. Hopefully it will cool down. I hope everyone had a great holiday, and restful break. Our family certainly did, but I missed our class and am glad to be back in the school “routine”.

The new year is flying along! Our class and the other intermediate classes are thick into our social studies community group projects. I am responsible for the 5th graders, and we go to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank on Mondays and Wednesdays. I can’t tell you enough how proud I am of our students, as I am sure you would be as well. I hear similar reports from Mrs. Carter and Mr. DeVolld about the 6th and 4th grade students. It just seems all students step up; they are engaged, kind and helpful! The staff at the Food Bank have made many positive comments about our students. All of this couldn’t happen however, without the help of our schools staff and parent volunteers. I’d like to thank Mrs. Fann, Mrs. Story, Mrs. Peterkin, Mr. Scott, and Ms. Maria for making our trips possible.

We are taking a field trip to Alyeska! We are going the week after spring break, on Wednesday the 19th. There will be more sunlight by then. We will certainly need help with chaperones. Please think about beginning to put some money aside for this trip and for our Peterson Bay trip at the end of the year. We will try and do some fund-raising for them, but both are costly.


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