Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season; and that you and your family were able to rest, relax, and enjoy each other. We will be hitting the ground running this third quarter- studying poetry, immigration, and volunteering in our community. We will also begin studying opinion or persuasive writing.

We will try and have a Read-In in February for fundraising our upcoming field trips; Alyeska the week before spring break, and Peterson Bay May 4-6th. Both of these trips are expensive so please put aside some funds and have your child use the fundraising opportunity. We will need chaperones for both trips so please let me know if you would like to participate.

Our community groups trips will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays through third quarter. The 4th grade students will be going with Ms. O’Brien to the Soldotna Senior Center, the 5th grade students with me to the KP Food Bank, and the 6th grade students with Mrs. Carter to the Riverside House.

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