Thanks Everyone for a Great year!

Just want to thank all of our students (especially the 6th graders), parents, and staff for such a wonderful school year. Out last few weeks were SO BUSY! Unfortunately I was very sick on our Peterson Bay field Trip and it took some time to recover. But I would like to thank those parents who donated food and especially those parents who volunteered their time to accompany us: Ms. Sturman, Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Gagnon, Mrs. Fann, Mr. Mickelson, and our new intermediate teacher Mrs. Moore. THANK YOU!

After we returned I was very busy putting together our all school slide show, and our 6th grade graduation slide show. I wasn’t able to send home a newsletter the last two weeks so I would like to apologize. Students were very helpful these last two weeks; they worked hard on their assessments, helped clean and organize our classroom, and generally enjoyed their last few days together. I was blessed with an awesome group of students this year. I hope and pray everyone has a great summer. I wish the best for our 6th grade students as they move on, and am excited for a new school year in the fall.

Good luck to Chloe, Stryder, Ian, Rusty, Justin, and Carly


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