
I just want to thank every one for coming in to meet with me at conferences. It is so great to get on the same page with parents, and discuss their child’s learning. The more we can work together for these children the better.

Emma and Ashlee pulled off a great Halloween party. We also have to thank all the students and parents who helped pull this off. A huge shout out to Mrs. Shields for being brave and subbing on Halloween. I went to my father’s 80th birthday; it’s the first halloween I haven’t been with my class.

We are going to wrap up our Civil War studies in the next couple of weeks. Students will have a 2-part project due on Nov. 18th. As we continue Soldotna Creek water quality monitoring, Henry will be visiting to move forward our marine debris learning and zero waste curriculum.

Our class will be hosting the all school assembly on November 11th.

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