Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a nice, restful, relaxing break; that you were able to enjoy your family. We hit the ground running this quarter, Performance Series assessments, studying body systems, and community groups.

Community groups happen each Monday and Wednesday. Mrs. Moore is taking the 4th grade students to Ridgeway Preschool, Mrs. Carter is taking half the 6th grade students to Heritage Place, and the other half are working on the Mini-Food Pantry. I am taking the 5th grade students to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank. So, each student is going one day a week (either Monday of Wednesday) to help out their community. We are so proud of our students and their efforts!

We have several upcoming field trips; Wildlife in Winter program and snowshoeing at the KNWR, Challenger Learning Center, Alyeska, and Peterson Bay. The last two have a cost associated, and we are having a class Read-A-Thon as a fundraising opportunity for students. For more detailed information on all of this, please click on the newsletter page and look at the most current newsletter.


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