A Wonderful (But Busy) 3rd Quarter!

We blasted through third quarter, and after testing this week we will barely have time to catch our breath before we go to Peterson Bay! The students accomplished many great things over the third quarter: learned about human body systems and animal cells, dissected a frog, presented a forensics piece in front of the class, learned about wildlife in winter and snow-shoed at the KNWR, went to the Challenger Learning Center for a mission or a workshop, volunteered for Community Groups all quarter, and went skiing/boarding at Alyeska.

Our fourth quarter will be busy as well, mostly in our prep for Peterson Bay field trip, and putting together our all-school assembly video and the 6th grade slide show. Speaking of 6th grade students, they will have swimming lessons and Middle School Prep week. We also have various assemblies and presentations coming up. Please check the most recent newsletter for specific information.


Eliana and Zoey learning about frog anatomy.


Volunteering at the Food Bank


Getting ready for KNWR Trip


Russel and Golden at Alyeska.

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