End of First Quarter

Well, I can’t believe it but 1/4 of the school year is over. I am very excited for parent/teacher conferences as it will give me a chance to learn more about your child, and share their progress this school year. Our class is very caring and supportive of each other, and though they can be loud at times, they have a good work ethic and use their time wisely. Don’t forget to check out this site for specific information about activities, assignments, and useful links for your child.

We have our tentative dates for our end of the year field trip to Kasitsna Bay (April 26, 27, &28). It is a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This trip is a highlight, and a world-class experience for coastal marine biology, not to mention lots of fun. I wanted to let you know now for two reasons. First, as it is over a weekend you can plan better knowing the dates. Second, the trip is costly($160) and you can save for it accordingly. Mrs. Dehlbom needs the money by April 1st so she can get the purchase order from the District. Save a little from your child’s PFD if at all possible. The lab we stay at is like a hotel, so for the money you get; round-trip boat transportation from Homer to Kasitsna Bay Lab and Two nights and three days at the Kasitsna Bay Lab. This lab is used by scientists from around the world so the trip is certainly worth the cost.


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