
The year is going very quickly, second quarter is over in three weeks! We have a very busy December. Please take a look at our calendar on the schedules/calendar tab. We have a band/rythmic concert and an all school musical program in the first week of December. They are the evening of the 4th and 6th repsectively. The second week, we will be taking our AWA writing assessment with a focus upon expository writing. At the end of the second week we will have Secret Santa Workshop (a place where students can purchase inexpensive gifts for their families). The last week before break we will have a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center (5th and 6th grades) and to the FAA Tower/Kenai Airport (4th grade). This will be on the 18th; all students will need to bring a cold sack lunch. We’ll go Christmas Caroling on the afternoon of the 19th with Mrs. Atchley’s class to various Soldotna Locations. And on Thursday, the 20th we will have a read-in in the morning, and our own Seceret Santa reveal party. Hang on!!!!!

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