Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!

I am very excited beginning a new school year. I had a great summer; worked a bit, played a bit, and had friends visit. I hope all of you had a fun and restful summer. Working in my room is boring without the students. I was so very excited to see our returning students and how much they have grown (I’ve seen a few of you this summer). I’m also pumped about our new 4th grade students, they have been great these first three days! Next week, we will continue getting to know each other, practice learning routines, and students will be taking assessments. Please remember to check this blog often for information about weekly assignments, workplans, reading logs, newsletters, schedules, calendars and links, etc.- you can find it all here. I made an easy link address for our class blog. It is;


Ready for some fun, glorious, learning adventures? Our first big adventure will be an overnight trip to the KNWR Outdoor Education Center out near Swanson River on September 21st and 22nd. Students will be learning “Leave No Trace” principles from Mrs. Ostrowski and myself. Come join us as a volunteer/chaperone! Thank you so much for sharing/entrusting your children with me- I feel blessed.

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