End of 3rd Quarter- On the Home Stretch

Wow! So many things happened third quarter and we were so busy- I am just catching my breath. First and foremost I want to thank our students- they always shine and impress when helping out our comunity. Ms. O’Brien took all the 4th grade students to the Soldotna Senior Center, Mrs. Carter took all the 6th grade students to Ridgeway Preschool or Bishop’s Attic, and I took all 5th grade students to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank and they were wonderful. We couldn’t do it without parent help (Big Thanks to Mrs. Fann, Mrs. Coray, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Payment).



We also went to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, and to Alyeska. Once again our parents helped us pull off these adventures.

20160224_11531320160308_115424Students worked hard on learning about opinion or persuasive writing this quarter (some may have even written you letters:). All practiced and performed a forensics piece in class, and Luke Ermold moved on and medaled at the district competition!

We will have a busy 4th quarter as well: state testing, 6th grade swimming and boot-camp, Common Sense Media instruction (learning about internet safety, etc.), and preparing for our Peterson Bay field trip in May. I am looking forward to learning and growing with your children during this last quarter- here we go!

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