
Happy New Year!

Wow, things are happening quickly. Just now getting to update this blog. First I wanted to thank all of you for coming to conferences. It is always great to visit about your wonderful children. I appreciate all of your efforts and support; for your children, myself, and our school. It does take a village to raise a child.

The big trips we have coming up:

Wildlife in Winter and snowshoeing at KNWR- Friday, March 3rd.

Alyeska (outside of school day, leave at 7:30 and return at 6:30)- Thursday, March 9th.

Peterson Bay two night, three day trip- April 10-12.

Nikiski Pool field trip in May- date to be announced.

We will need drivers and chaperones so please contact me if you would like to help out.

There are a host of other activities for students, especially 6th graders. Please check the monthly calendars on this blog. Current newsletters are even more detailed so please refer to them about activities, dates, and times. They are also posted on this blog.

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