Welcome To Our Class 2018-2019

Here we go! I hope everyone had a great summer and was able to enjoy their families- I certainly was able to, even while working. We’ve just finished our first few days of school and students have been wonderful.

We are going to hit the ground running. Our class is going to host the first all school assembly of the year on the morning of Friday, the 7th of September. We will be working on preparing for it these next two weeks. The focus will be on kindness.

We also have an overnight field trip on September 11th and 12th. It will include an Upper Kenai River rafting trip, and a KNWR wetlands/wildlife program. We will stay out at the Swanson River OEC. We will need drivers/chaperones. The cost for each person going will be $40. Permission slips and more specific info will come home in your child’s Thursday folder. We will be requesting food for the class as well.

I am very excited about this school year, we seem to have a wonderful group of students!


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