A New Year

A very Happy New Year to all. Our school year is just cruising. We are beginning our comunity projects this third quarter. We will be splitting students into their respective grade levels and working at different locations (4th– Senior Center, 5th– Food Bank, 6th– Heritage Place). Students will be visiting these places once a week to work, learn, and interact with people in our community. This program will help students learn many valuable lessons; responsibility, compassion, citizenship, etc.  

We are going ahead with our field trip to Alyeska. We are going the week after spring break on Friday the 22nd. There will be more sunlight by then and usually warmer temperatures. We will certainly need help with chaperones. Please think about beginning to put some money aside for this trip and for our Kasitsna Bay trip at the end of the year. We will try and do some fund-raising for them, but both are costly.

Thanks so much for your support; this is a great group of students.


Here We Go!

I have been excited to begin another school year. Working in my room and getting it ready is boring; it just isn’t as fun without the students. We have new 4th grade students so for this past week and next we will be getting to know each other, learning routines, and students will be taking assessments. It seems like a great class so far. Please remember to check on this blog often for information: from weekly assignments, workplans, newsletters, schedules, calendars and links, you can find it all here. I made an easy link address for our class blog. It is;
